Home Location Nature Population Tourism Jakarta - The capital city |
is the 4th most populated country, having a
population of 270 million. The density is 141/km2.
As we can see on the map, the Indonesian population
isn’t equally divided. For example, the Island of Java
is more densely populated than parts of Island of
Borneo, Island of New Guinea, and the surrounding New
Guinea islands. Indonesia is the most populated Islamic
state. There, 86.7% are Muslims. The Indonesian capital
is Jakarta, but the city of Nusantara will probably
replace Jakarta as a capital in future. The reasons for
the Indonesian government’s intention for changing the
state's capital are tough urban issues in Jakarta. religions by % in Indonesia => |
Census 2020 in
Indonesia Wordometer - Indonesia's page |
Aleksandar Minchev VIII a
class '22 |